gift ideas

Small gifts keep friendship alive. Whether cool or classy, casual or elegant, you don't have to commit to one direction. With us you will find gifts that combine design, aesthetics and style. Give something lasting, a vase instead of fresh flowers, a stylish bottle opener instead of red wine. Cushions, bowls, candles and mirrors bring comfort and can be a special sign of affection as well. You know the preferences of your friends and family best, ask yourself, what do they secretly desire. Whether as a Valentine's Day or Christmas gift - our fine selection is perfect for anyone who has their heart set on beautiful objects. 

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8 Results

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    Nomon Cris Wall Clock
    As low as €452.00
    availability: 8 left in stock
    Nomon Pico Wall Clock | Black - Walnut
    availability: 7 left in stock
    Nomon Pico Wall Clock | White - Oak
    availability: 5 left in stock
    Nomon Axioma n Wall Clock | Numbers
    As low as €474.00
    availability: 1 left in stock
    Nomon Atomo G Desk Clock
    availability: 2 left in stock
    Nomon Pico Wall Clock | Black - Oak
    availability: 2 left in stock
    Nomon OJ Wall Clock
    As low as €59.00
    availability: 55 left in stock
    Nomon Micro Anda Wall Clock
    availability: 2 left in stock

8 Results

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